













    Comedies are worth watching, for they provide a good way to relax by making people laugh, and laughing is in fact proven by science to be one of the best medicines to alleviate pressure, pain or depression. I can still remember the most enjoyable thing was to watch a Jim Carrey movie after a whole day’s hard work when I was preparing for the college entrance examination—a make-or-break exam that even determines one’s future. Through the dramatic performances of Jim Carrey and those hilarious plots, my intense minds got relaxed.


    Another type of movies, scary movie, is also worth watching because it allows people to experience the excitement of horror under a safe circumstance. In most cases, people tend to seek entertainment without taking actual risks. The experience of fear in real life is absolutely undesirable, but the innate curiosity of human beings renders such experience in movies desirable. Though such mindset may be paradoxical, it does exist sometimes. For example, almost every scary-movie lover enjoys the moment when he or she breathes a sigh of relief at the end of the movie. Vicariously sharing the experience of others can be a kind of happiness.







    笑是良药 -> 缓解压力、痛苦、郁闷 -> 特别享用 -> 看金凯利的电影 -> 一天辛苦学习完毕 -> 预备高考 -> 夸大扮演和高效的情节 -> 严重的情绪放松


    寻求文娱不承当危险 -> 实际中不想惊骇阅历 -> 内涵的猎奇心 -> 想电影傍边惊骇的阅历 -> 对立但的确存在 -> 惊骇片爱好者 -> 完毕长舒一口气 -> 直接共享他人阅历 -> 趣味来历






    laughing -> one of the best medicines -> alleviate pressure, pain or depression -> the most enjoyable thing -> watch a Jim Carrey movie -> after a whole day’s hard work -> prepare for CEE -> dramatic performance and hilarious plots -> intense minds got relaxed


    seek entertainment without taking actual risks -> fear in real life undesirable -> innate curiosity of human beings -> experience in movies desirable -> paradoxical -> exist sometimes -> every scary-movie lover -> breathes a sigh of relief -> at the end of the movie -> sharing the experience of others -> a kind of happiness





从汉语版本的第1句话开端,首要对汉语进行合理的拆分,然后能够别离想想拆出来的每一个部分用英语该怎么表达,然后再跟答案逐个核对。如果每一个表达我们比答案想的都好,那就不必操练了。不然尽量能够将和答案不一样的地方记下来。分句操练的时分必定要注意:一句没记住不要开端下一句, 一起 先捉住本句的句式再去抓要点的短语最终再去纠结单词。拿第1段的第1句话作为例子:




, for 表示原因




be worth doing


be proven by science to be sth


alleviate pressure


把上述句式和短语都搞定了,这句话天然就就记下来了。此刻自傲的同学在脑子里想想证据咋说,然后跟答案比对。不然能够将自己的翻译对着汉语敲一遍,最终跟参阅翻译比较,看看还有没有错。如果有错搞清楚原因,重写本句。如果没有错,能够依照一样的流程开端下一句。关于根底不是特别好的同学,搞定了两句话之后能够把1-2句一起再敲一下。以此类推 1 1-2 1-3 1-4,这样能够确保在写后边的语句的时分前面的语句也会记住越来越熟。不至于呈现1个小时过去了,还停留在全体看的阶段,底子不知道自己是否现已记住了。








最终一个环节就是收拾,个人觉得收拾的内容最好包含 思路汉语和英语+要点句式+要点短语和单词+过错原因剖析




    笑是良药 -> 缓解压力、痛苦、郁闷 -> 特别享用 -> 看金凯利的电影 -> 一天辛苦学习完毕 -> 预备高考 -> 夸大扮演和高效的情节 -> 严重的情绪放松


    寻求文娱不承当危险 -> 实际中不想惊骇阅历 -> 内涵的猎奇心 -> 想电影傍边惊骇的阅历 -> 对立但的确存在 -> 惊骇片爱好者 -> 完毕长舒一口气 -> 直接共享他人阅历 -> 趣味来历






    laughing -> one of the best medicines -> alleviate pressure, pain or depression -> the most enjoyable thing -> watch a Jim Carrey movie -> after a whole day’s hard work -> prepare for CEE -> dramatic performance and hilarious plots -> intense minds got relaxed


    seek entertainment without taking actual risks -> fear in real life undesirable -> innate curiosity of human beings -> experience in movies desirable -> paradoxical -> exist sometimes -> every scary-movie lover -> breathes a sigh of relief -> at the end of the movie -> sharing the experience of others -> a kind of happiness




A is in fact proven by science to be B to X.




make-or-break exam


dramatic performance


hilarious plots


intense minds


is worth watching


innate curiosity


breath a sigh of relief




比方 alleviate, hilarious, innate, vicariously, paradoxical 不会拼,也比方 the most enjoyable thing was 写成 is 等等





    Agree or disagree, movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people are being punished.


What we have to admit is that it is largely pointless for comedies to present positive stories with similar plots.The reason why comedies are worth watching is that they provide a good way to relax by making people laugh, and laughing is in fact proven by science to be one of the best medicines to alleviate pressure, pain or depression. I can still remember the most enjoyable thing was to watch a Jim Carrey movie after a whole day’s hard work when I was preparing for the college entrance examination—a make-or-break exam that even determines one’s future. Through the dramatic performances of Jim Carrey and those unexpected plots in which the wrongdoers fare surprisingly well while the good guys are doomed, my intense minds got relaxed.


    Do you agree or disagree? It’s better to relax by reading a book or watching a movie than by doing physical exercise.


There is no denying that it is an excellent opportunity for us to relax through watching movies.For one thing, comedies are worth watching, for they provide a good way to relax by making people laugh, and laughing is in fact proven by science to be one of the best medicines to alleviate pressure, pain or depression. For another thing, scary movie, is also worth watching because it allows people to experience the excitement of horror under a safe circumstance. In most cases, people tend to seek entertainment without taking actual risks. The experience of fear in real life is absolutely undesirable, but the innate curiosity of human beings renders such experience in movies desirable. Though such mindset may be paradoxical, it does exist sometimes.


    People can learn about a person from the books and movies the person likes.


It comes as no surprise that the movies a person likes convey a lot of valuable information about one’s personality.For one thing, people fascinated by comedies are inclined to be more optimistic, for comedies provide a good way to relax by making people laugh, and laughing is in fact proven by science to be one of the best medicines to alleviate pressure, pain or depression. For another thing, horror-movie lovers tend to place emphasis on experiencing the excitement of horror under a safe circumstance. In most cases, people tend to seek entertainment without taking actual risks. The experience of fear in real life is absolutely undesirable, but the innate curiosity of scary-movie lovers renders such experience in movies desirable. Though such mindset may be paradoxical, it does exist someti