阅读中的“例子” 在各题型中的运用



  首先,最显着的例子一定是呈现了表示例子的词,比较常见的例子词有:for example, for instance, such as, like,include。 除了有很显着的比如词的比如外,还有一些是不带例子词的例子,关于这些不带例子词的例子咱们只需弄理解了只需写的是一个详细的东西或是详细的工作时,咱们就能够把他们当作例子。咱们来看看带例子词的例子在各个题型中的运用。

  (1)假如在语句简化题中呈现例子的语句,首先在解题时例子的内容能够不必看,还有一点就是往往呈现例子的部分会成为一个过错选项,所以能够依据这点很快的排除去一个不对的选项。例子TPO4 Deer Populations of the Puget Sound这篇文章中的语句简化题:

  In addition to finding an increase of suitable browse, like huckleberry and vine maple, Arthur Einarsen, longtime game biologist in the Pacific Northwest, found quality of browse in the open areas to be substantially more nutritive.

  在这个语句中,呈现了例子词like,所以“ like huckleberry and vine maple”这部分内容咱们就能够先不必看,并且在四个选项中咱们会发现D选项就把原句中like例子中的内容当作一个首要内容在说了,所以能够十分肯定的先把D排除去。

  A. Arthur Einarsen’s longtime family with the Pacific Northwest helped him discover areas where deer had an increase in suitable browse.

  B. Arthur Einarsen found that deforested feeding grounds provided deer with more and better food.

  C. Biologist like Einarsen believe it is important to find additional open areas with suitable browse for deer to inhabit.

  D. According to Einarsen, huckleberry and vine maple are examples of vegetation that may someday improve the nutrition of deer in the open areas of the Pacific Northwest.

  (2)假如在细节题中呈现定位的语句是整个例子时,则解题思路与修辞意图题相同,需求找到这个例子的观念句,此观念句的内容既为正确答案。咱们来看TPO13 Biological clocks这篇文章中的第二个标题,这个题就是一个细节题:

  Paragraph 1: ... By isolating organisms completely from external periodic cues, biologists learned that organisms have internal clocks. For instance, apparently normal daily periods of biological activity were maintained for about a week by the fungus Neurospora when it was intentionally isolated from all geophysical timing cues while orbiting in a space shuttle. The continuation of biological rhythms in an organism without external cues attests to its having an internal clock.

  In paragraph 1, the experiment on the fungus Neurospora is mentioned to illustrate: (2)

  A. the existence of weekly periods of activity as well as daily ones

  B. the finding of evidence that organisms have internal clocks

  C. the effect of space on the internal clocks of organisms

  D. the isolation of one part of an organism's cycle for study

  经过标题所问咱们很简单能够发现问题所在的内容是一个例子,有例子词for instance,所以咱们找答案就应该去看例子的前面一句,发现首要在说的biologists learned that organisms have internal clocks,所以这个题选B。

  (3)假如在语句刺进题中,需求刺进的语句是一个例子时,咱们解题的思路是需求把例子刺进到观念句的后面;假如需求刺进的语句是观念句,而四个黑方框所在的语句中有例子时,则需求刺进的观念句往往就插在例子的语句前面。假如在文章总结题中看到例子的语句,则咱们要直接排除去这个选项。咱们来看TPO3 The long-term stability of ecosystems这篇文章中的语句刺进题,需求刺进的语句是:

  In fact, damage to the environment by humans is often much more severe than damage by natural events and processes.

  Paragraph 6: Ecologists are especially interested to know what factors contribute to the resilience of communities because climax communities all over the world are being severely damaged or destroyed by human activities. The destruction caused by the volcanic explosion of Mount St. Helens, in the northwestern United States, for example, pales in comparison to the destruction caused by humans. We need to know what aspects of a community are most important to the community’s resistance to destruction, as well as its recovery.

  很显着in fact最初的语句咱们能够看作是观念句,首要着重的是人为活动的破坏力要大于自然的破坏力,而在四个黑方框所在的语句中咱们会发现在第二个黑方框后面所在的语句正好是一个例子,有例子词for example,所以能够直接放在第二个黑方框的方位。
