听力conversation1 理清问题与答案




既然是problem-solving类的听力布景,每一篇conversation会有一个中心的问题。随着对话的推进,会环绕着这个中心问题衍生出的一些其他问题。比方在TPO3的conversation1中,学生提出的中心问题在于cannot find the classroom,但中间会衍生出类似“why didn’t she receive the letter”这样的问题。


一般来说conversation的中心问题会在对话比较偏前的部分提出来,相当一部分是在最初就开门见山地提出来。但也有部分conversation的中心问题出来得比较晚,比方TPO9的conversation1,前面铺垫了比较多,但是中心问题出来前会有一些相对比较明朗的信号词,比方这篇conversation用了“since my appointment today is to discuss…”这样的表达来提示真实的中心问题。

有的时候,在提出问题的一起,说者还会涉及到提出该问题的原因,比方TPO48的conversation1中,学生在提出希望找一份饭馆仆人的作业时,说到了原因“I really need to make more money”,这类信息也会呈现在考点中,因而需要学生有所记载。

在听力过程中,问题的提出往往意味着新一轮对话的开始,对学生确定整个文章的逻辑层次有着很重要的指示效果。从出题点来说,中心问题往往表现在主旨题上(即每篇听力的第一个问题)。常见的题目表达一般类似于“why does the student come to…/What is the purpose of…”或“what is the conversation mainly about”,前者往往问的是求助者最初的中心目的,后者则对应的是整个对话中最侧重讨论的问题。

【“答案” 】


一般来说答案部分是占篇幅最多的,也是信息量比较大的一块。在听的过程中有两个信息是最要害的,一个是直接答复问题的答案自身,另一个便是供给答案的原因。比方说TPO19的Conversation2中,食堂作业人员主张学生visit cafeteria’s website,在提出这个主张的时候说到了两个原因,一是We list all our food suppliers,二是 you can also find some charts listing fat and calorie content。相同地,这类展示原因的信息也需要表现在笔记中。

答案部分所占篇幅较长,相当一部分原因是因为在直接答案的后边,经常会跟有“近义解说”。比方说TPO26的conversation2中,教授说到bioluminescence效果的时候说到的中心信息是“they use bioluminescence to hide”.而这之后的“The light they produce matches the color of the dim sunlight, so they blend in, and, uh, and predators can’t see them”其实和“hide”是相近的意思,只不过进一步解说了hide这件事。此刻只需能听理解前面的中心信息,后边的内容能够不必在笔记中侧重表现。当然这种近义解说还有另一个效果,便是当学生没能听清楚中心信息时,能够有第二次机会去理解前文的意思。这一点在学术布景下的conversation中表现得特别显着。

值得注意的是,答案与问题有时并不是一一对应的,也便是说,一个问题后,可能会有多个答案或主张呈现。这个时候可能会存在干扰项:比方TPO3conversation1中,针对“why didn’t the student receive the letter”这个问题,

给出了两个可能的解说“threw it by mistake”和“sent it to the wrong address”,根据对话的内容判别出真实的答案其实是后者。除此之外,学生还需要能敏锐地判别答案自身是针对哪个问题提出的,即清楚地区别文章的逻辑层次。





对应到考点上来看,最简单调查情绪的题型便是推断题。比方TPO19conversation2中,“What does the man mean when he says—That’s OK, seems like you are doing what you can. ”便是一个典型的情绪推断题,对应的答案为“He is satisfied with the information he has received”。

总结: 一篇conversation中应该包含这三大块内容:





下面将以TPO3的conversation1的文本为例,展示一篇典型的conversation中以上三个要害信息点的散布情况,以及如安在笔记中表现这些要害信息。其间蓝色标记表明问题,黄色表明答案,绿色表明情绪。其间部分要害点即能够看做情绪,也能够看做问题,比方“What? I’ve never got it”,既回应了前文staff供给的答案,也敞开了新的问题,即“Why didn’t she receive the letter”。


Excuse me, I’m supposed to be having my physics class in the science building, but no one’s in the classroom. Could you tell me where the class is? Physics 403 — has it been moved?


Well,there’s a room assignment sheet on the bulletin board outside this office.


Yeah, I know, but my class isn’t listed there. There must be some kind of mistake or something. Could you look it up, please?


Hmmm... ok, let me check on the computer. It’s physics, right? Wait, did you say physics 403?




Er…I’m sorry, but it says here that it was cancelled. You should have gotten a letter from the registrar’s office about this.


What? I’ve never got it.


Are you sure? ‘Cause it says on the computer that the letter was sent out to students a week ago.


Really? I should have gotten it by now.

I wonder if I threw it away with all the junk mail by mistake.


Well, it does happen. Er… let me check something. What’s your name?


Woodhouse, Laura Woodhouse.


Ok, hmmm…Woodhouse, let me see… ah, it says here we sent it to your apartment on er… Center Street.


Oh, that’s my old apartment. I moved out of there a little while ago.


Well, and I suppose you haven’t changed your mailing address at the administration office. Well, that would explain it.


Yeah, I guess that’s it. But how can they cancel the class after offering it.If I’d known this was going to happen, I would have taken it last semester.


I know, it’s really inconvenient for you, I understand that, but er… if we don’t have enough students signed up for the course, the college can’t offer it. You know, it’s a practical issue, like we can’t have an instructor when there’re only a few students in the class. You see what I mean?


I guess, but now I don’t know what course I should take instead.


Ok, let’s see. Do you have any courses you’re going to take next semester? If you do,you might want to take them now and sign up for physics 403 next semester.


Yeah, I guess I could do that. I just hope it won't be cancelled again. Do you know how many people have to be enrolled in order to keep a class from being cancelled?


Well, it depends on the class, but for that class, you have to have er… let’s see, usually it’d be at least ten people, but since it was cancelled this semester, they might even do it with less. But do you know what you should do? Give the physics department a call a couple of weeks before the semester starts. They’ll be able to tell you if they’re planning to go through with it. It's their decision, actually.


Oh, ok, I will do that. Thanks for the info.


No problem. Sorry about the class. Oh, why don’t you go change your mailing address now. It’ll only takes a minute.


Oh, oh, sure, I will do that right way.


( )中的内容能够不必表现出来,在做笔记过程中我们能够和自己规则一些“默许信号”,比方说√表明“explanation accepted/advise taken”或者“correct answer”,这样能够帮助我们更高效率完成笔记。

