



  Displays unity, progression, and coherence. ( 表现出统一、递进、连接的特色。)

  这条标准要求咱们在写作时要注意文章的连接性。首先,何为连接性? 连接性便是要求语句与语句之间,或是阶段与阶段之间需以一种明晰的、合乎逻辑的办法进行展开,做到思路明晰,层次分明。这样写文章的好处便是可以让一个读者顺着作者的思路一口气把文章读完,而且同时掌握文章的首要信息。托福的每一篇阅览文章都可以算是一篇满分作文,所以它必定表现出了统一、递进和连接的特色。所以当咱们在阅览托福文章时,就应该做到阅览的连接性,不然就有或许面临由于前后缺少联络,最终导致只抓到了部分信息而缺少全体信息的情况。那么当咱们在阅览时,怎么做到连接性的阅览呢?

  连接性一般经过两种办法表现出来:语义重复和逻辑连接。语义重复便是两个语句会存在某个概念的连续,经过对这个概念的重复把信息连续下去。语义重复会有多种形式,比如重复某个词,也可以呈现某个词的近义词或反义词。如下面两句话:In Southwest France in the 1940’s, playing children discovered Lascaux Grotto, a series of narrow cave chambers that contain huge prehistoric paintings of animals. Many of these beasts are as large as 16 feet (almost 5 meters). 这两句话便是经过animals和beasts的同义替换把信息连续下去。语义重复还可以经过对某部分内容的概括或是对某部分内容的详细展开来完成。如下面两句:The animals are bulls, wild horses, reindeer, bison, and mammoths outlined with charcoal and painted mostly in reds, yellow, and brown. Scientific analysis reveals that the colors were derived from ocher and other iron oxides ground into a fine powder. 这两句话便是经过对red, yellow, and brown的概括,即the colors完成了连接性。当然,语义重复最常用的手法还是经过代词的灵活运用。如以下两句:But note that porosity is not the same as permeability, which measures the ease with which water can flow through a material; this depends on the sizes of the individual cavities and the crevices linking them.


  咱们以TPO1 GROUNDWATER的第二段做一个综合展示,下划线代表的是信息连续点。

  The necessary space is there, however, in many forms. The commonest spaces(原词重现) are those among the particles(对forms详细展开)—sand grains and tiny pebbles—of loose, unconsolidated sand and gravel. Beds of this material(代词), out of sight beneath the soil, are common. They(代词) are found wherever fast rivers carrying loads of coarse sediment once flowed. For example(逻辑联系), as the great ice sheets that covered North America during the last ice age steadily melted away, huge volumes of water flowed from them.The water(原词重现) was always laden with pebbles, gravel, and sand(对loads of coarse sediment的详细展开), known as glacial outwash, that was deposited as the flow slowed down.



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