

● 题目:

An alternative to this notion of genetic programming is to see the teacher-subjects’ actions as a result of the social environment under which the experiment was carried out.(剑5, Test 1 passage 2)

● 分析:

本句的主句为“An alternative to this notion of genetic programming is to see the teacher-subjects’ actions as a result of the social environment”;其中“to see the teacher-subjects’ actions as a result of the social environment”为不定式作表语宾语;“under which the experiment was carried out.”为宾语从句,关系词为which, 做the social environment的定语。

● 题目:

An action such as shocking a victim, which in isolation appears evil, acquires a completely different meaning when placed in this setting.(剑5, Test 1 passage 2)

● 分析:

本句主句为“An action such as shocking a victim acquires a completely different meaning”;“which in isolation appears evil”为定语从句,关系词为which, 作An action的定语;“when placed in this setting”为时间状语从句。


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