

● 题目:

No corpora can ever cover the whole language and so linguists often find themselves relying on the additional information that can be gained from the intuitions of those who speak the language concerned. (test3 passage 3)

● 分析:

本句为并列句,用“and so”连接。“that can be gained from the intuitions of those who speak the language concerned”为that引导的定语从句,做additional information的定语;“who speak the language concerned”也为定语从句,关系词为who, 做those的定语。

● 题目:

Since the early years of the twentieth century, when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records, there has been a steady improvements in how fast athletes run, how high they jump and how far they are able to hurl massive objects, themselves included, through space. (test4 passage 1)

● 分析:

本句较长,主句为there be结构,即“there has been a steady improvements in how fast athletes run, how high they jump and how far they are able to hurl massive objects, themselves included, through space”;“how fast athletes run, how high they jump and how far they are able to hurl massive objects, themselves included, through space”中三个how引导的从句并列,都为in的宾语从句;“Since the early years of the twentieth century”为本句的时间状语,由since引导;“when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records”为定语从句,关系词为when, 做the early years of the twentieth century的定语从句。


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