

● 题目:

Eye position in freshwater dolphins, which often swim on their side or upside down while feeding, suggests that what vision they have is stereoscopic forward and downward. (test1 passage 2)

● 分析:

本句的主句为“Eye position in freshwater dolphins suggests that…”;“which often swim on their side or upside down”为which引导的定语从句,作freshwater dolphins的定语;“while feeding”为while引导的状语,分词短语作状语;“that what vision they have is stereoscopic forward and downward.”为that引导的宾语从句,作suggest的宾语;“what vision they have”为what引导的主语从句,作is的主语。

● 题目:

And although preliminary experimental evidence suggests that their in-air vision is poor, the accuracy with which dolphins leap high to take small fish out of a trainer's hand provides anecdotal evidence to the contrary. (test1 passage 2)

● 分析:

本句主句为“the accuracy provides anecdotal evidence to the contrary”;“although preliminary experimental evidence suggests that their in-air vision is poor”为although引导的让步状语;“that their in-air vision is poor”为that引导的宾语从句,作suggest的宾语;“which dolphins leap high to take small fish out of a trainer's hand”为which引导的宾语从句,作with的宾语从句;“to take small fish out of a trainer's hand”为不定式作目的状语。


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