



  Nursery school 托儿所[?n??s?ri]

  Kindergarten 幼儿园[?k?nd?ɡɑ?tn]

  Elementary school 小学(美国)[?el??mentri]

  Primary school 小学(英国)

  Middle school中学

  Junior high school 初中

  Senior high school 高中

  College/university 大学

  Public 公立的

  Private 私立的

  Tuition 膏火[tju???n]

  Grant 助学金[ɡrɑ?nt]

  Bachelor 学士[?b?t??l?(r)]

  Master 硕士[?m?st?r]

  Doctorate 博士 [?d?kt?r?t]

  Useful Expressions常用表达:

  1. Elementary school and primary school are the same thing.初等中学(USA)和小学(UK)是一回事。

  2. Public universities are much cheaper than private universities. 公立大学要比私立大学廉价的多。

  3. The graduate ceremony is next week.毕业典礼[?ser?m?ni]在下周举办。


  S: Student

  NC: May I help you? 我有什么能帮助你的吗?

  S: Yes, I’d like some information about studying abroad.我想了解一下出国留学的状况。

  NC:Where would you like to go? 你想去哪个国家呢?

  S: I’d like to go to America or German.我想去美国或者德国。

  NC: Do you speak German? 你会说德语吗?

  S: A little, but I’m willing to learn it. 会一点,但我愿意学。

  NC: I suggest you think about why you want to study abroad. If you want to improve your English skills, it would be best to go a native English-speaking country. England, Canada, America and Australia are the most popular countries for studying abroad.
