





  Paragraph 1: A symbiotic relationship is an interaction between two or more species in which one species lives in or on another species. There are three main types of symbiotic relationships: parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism. The first and the third can be key factors in the structure of a biological community; that is, all the populations of organisms living together and potentially interacting in a particular area.

  Which of the following statements about commensalism can be inferred from paragraph 1?

  ○It excludes interactions between more than two species.

  ○It makes it less likely for species within a community to survive.

  ○Its significance to the organization of biological communities is small.

  ○Its role in the structure of biological populations is a disruptive one.

  在本题中,原文并未给出commensalism的相关详细信息。There are three main types of symbiotic relationships: parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism. The first and the third can be key factors in the structure of a biological community;这句话中提及的三种共生联系,只对1和3的相关信息进行了告知,那么commensalism应该怎么揣度?这儿便是运用不和推测。已然parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism都是共生联系,那么文中已然提及parasitism和 mutualism都是key factors in the structure of a biological community,也就意味着commensalism不是key factors。 这便是不和推测的思路。学习了解这一解题思路,能够加速做题的速度以及进步精确度。
