



  考生可以利用题与题之间的空档时刻现察选项的内容,然后估测即将听到的主题和某些细节。由于讲座内容更加专业,这个使命的重要性就更显突出了。在观察好选项之后,听讲座时,仍旧是需求考生特别重视开端、特性、结束部分。可是和对话不同的是,在讲座中,没有一问一答来提示考生重要信息的地点了。那么一些听力中的要害字,例如表明因果关系的 “because,the reason that,result,therefore”等;表明并列关系的“first,second”等序数词;表明观点的“think,support,believe”之类的词就显得尤为重要了。



  On Monday we talked about insects, and how they gather food. Today I’d like to talk about the common garden spider and how it captures its prey with net-like structure it tint produced almost 200 million years ago. I mean, of course a spider web.

  What's interesting is why such a delicate structure isn't hard. When a fast-flying insect crashes into it, and compared with the spider, these insects can be huge and really heavy. In fact capturing a large insect in a spider web could be compared to capture an airplane in a fishing net.

  So, how can the web offset such a shock without breaking? Is it just because the thread is nude of so strong? well, experts analyze spider webs using a computer program designed when an insect crashed and caught and they found the structure of the web, the way of threads connected together helps balance the strength and tensions caused by the impact and spread them all across the web this saves the web from being destroyed and by the way, suggests some creative new ideas that human might use in designing building. The biggest surprise, though, is the role of air resistance in cushioning the shock of collision. The computer model showed that dragging a tightening thread from a spider web through the air is a lot like pulling a heavy rope through water. And since air resistance acts on many threads all across the web its amazing effect that multiplies many times. And this definitely helps the web survive the impact.

  a. 开篇:

  讲座的最初一般是说话者承上启下的开场,重温前次的内容并引进这次说话的主题。这样的信息晓畅会被设置成至少一个问题。或许的命题方式是:1. 考察前次所讲内容;2. 考察这次要讲的主题。

  b. 主体、细节:

  这个讲座首要是讲蜘蛛网的耐性的。听的时分会听到两个问题:What's interesting is why such a delicate structure isn't hard.以及how can the web offset such a shock without breaking? 这两个问题往往便是要害的提示,考生应该有意识地仔细听关于问题的答复,由于对此的答复既是这篇讲座的首要信息地点,也是选择题会出到的考点。

  c. 总结、对下一个使命的安置

  在这篇讲座中这个特点不是十分明显,可是许多讲座是模拟一堂生动的上课场景的,说话人会在总结之后顺带提一下即将进行的论题。这种类型的标志性词有“next,all in all,finally,in conclusion,in one word,eventually,at last”等。听到这些字,就意味着听到了对论题的总结以及下一部分或许要做的事情。许多讲座的最后一道题便是针对这一特点设置的。

