


  biomes (生物群系)

  the tundra (冻原)

  forests (森林)

  the structure of forests (森林的结构)

  red alder (赤杨)

  fertilizer (肥料)

  kinds of fertilizers (肥料的品种)

  orchids (兰花)

  grasslands (草原)

  desert (沙漠)

  cactus (仙人掌)

  aquatic regions (水区)

  parts of plants (植物的构造)

  roots (根)

  stems (茎)

  leaves (叶)

  flowers (花)

  seeds (种子)

  the cultivation of fruits (生果的栽种)

  how plants reproduce (植物怎么繁衍)

  pollination (授粉)

  vegetative propagation (植物的无性繁衍)

  tulips (郁金香)

  bulbs (鳞茎)

  (1) cuttage(插木法), (2) grafting(嫁接法), and (3) layering(压条法)

  how plants grow (植物怎么生长)

  germination (萌发)

  plant hormones (植物的贺尔蒙)

  water movement (水在植物中的运动)

  photosynthesis (光合作用)

  respiration (植物的呼吸)

  auxins (植物激素)

  seed dispersal (种子传播)

  carnivorous plants (食肉植物)

  plant enemies (植物的敌人)

  how plants protect themselves (植物怎么维护自己)

  chemical "arms race" (植物与动物间的化学武器竞赛)

  control of diseases and pests (病虫害操控)

  arboretum & botanical garden (树木园 & 植物园)
