

Task 1

此次小作文为流程图,展现了soft cheese的制作过程。整体来说,是个比较简单的流程图,没有出现分叉走向不同方向的情况。


需要注意顺序连接词和动词的正确使用。常用连接词推荐:At the beginning of the process, next, subsequently, Next, …, after which …, …before v.ing, …, and …, Finally。动词在该题中可分别用到mix, transport/send … to…, cool… at the temperate of …, add, employ/deloy, heat, come out of/release。该篇建议用被动的语气表达,会更客观。展现3个步骤。 At the beginning of the process, water and milk will be mixed together. Then the mixture will be transported to a cooling storage container, being cooled at the temperate of 5 for 2 hours. After that, a small amount of salt is added before it takes 5 hours for fermentation to emerge finally.

Task 2

Both women and men have full time job, it is logical that they should share the housework tasks equally. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




支持分担家务。男女都忙于工作(both take huge responsibilities),不能遵守传统偏见(get rid of mistaken belief),认为女性就应该承担处理家务的责任(deal with housechores)。这是一种性别歧视(gender prejudice)行为且会带来不必要的男女之间,特别是家庭内的矛盾(cause family conflicts)。

不支持分担家务。男女的兴趣,特长不相同(have different interests),所以分工往往各不相同. 而男性一般会粗心(careless),打扫家务会破坏一些物品,而女性更加细致(are meticulous about),善于打理房间和家务(tidy up the room),甚至现实当中不少女性主动(take an active role in sth)希望去做家务。让个自己做自己擅长的事情(are competent at),有助于培养更和谐的关系(develop a better relationship,同时各自的事情都会做的更好。

不该分担家务:这是历史长期遗留下来(one of the customs which has been passed to every generation) 的一个行为习惯,比如说古代比较盛行,男性打猎捕食冒险的事情(take great risks to hunt food),而女性一般是在家打理家务。这是几千年遗留下来的局面,很难改变。



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