托福独立口语必备之How to Relax


  为了协助我们更好地备考托福口语,期望能够让我们在独立口语的部分得到最高的分数。那么,我们今日的主题是How to Relax。


  What do you do in your spare time?

  Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood.

  Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science? Include details and examples to support your opinion.

  Some people prefer to eat out. Others prefer home cooked meals with their family. Which of these types of meal do you prefer? Use specific examples and details for your preference.

  What are the benefits of owning pets?


  今日,我们选取的例题是--Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science? Include details and examples to support your opinion.

  首先,我们先来进行脑筋风暴--brain storm,看看校园开设音乐和美术课程的原因有哪些。

  音乐和美术的学习能够让孩子训练形象思维,所以学习过音乐和美术的孩子更有想象力和创造力;(creative, imaginative)

  学习音乐和美术的孩子会有更多的才调和才艺,一起还有很好的品味;(talens, talented, good taste, aesthetic)

  小时候学习音乐和美术的孩子在长大今后能够经过艺术更好地放松自己;(relax, release the pressure)


  接下来,我们就来根据方才brain storm的成果来写一个提纲:

  good for the children’s personal development:

  make children creative and imaginative

  make them concentrate

  abetter academic performance

  good for their future:

  know how to relax

  hobbies and interests

  release the pressure

  good aesthetic


  Sample Response:

  I advocate that the high school should provide courses like music and art.

  Firstly, music and art are very good ways of education for the kids to have a better personal development and academic performance. As we all know, music and art can make children creative and imaginative. That’s why we say music and art make them clever and benefit their academic performance.

  Secondly, music and art education also benefit the children’s future. They’ll encounter a lot of pressure from their work, peers and the society. Knowing how to release pressure is very important. If they learned music and art when they were young, they could sing, play an instrument or draw to keep away from pressure, find the inner peace and be happy.

  Music and art are very imprtant for the children’s development and have a positive influence on their adulthood. As a conclusion, I think the high school sould teach them music and art.
