



  It is a truth universally acknowledged that most people search for jobs mainly to earn their livings, but for a person whose philosophy is broader, what he pursues, such as the sense of achievement as well as joy obtained from his vocation, is much more important than money. Thus, frankly speaking, money is definitely not the most important aspect in a job. I shall illustrate the point in detail from the following three aspects.

  托福独立写作最初段,引进论题时,顺着标题给出的观念,承认在必定程度上,咱们公认之,岂不非常好?但是标题观念总有不足。留意,for a person whose philosophy is broader,前有《傲慢与偏见》,后有《哈姆雷特》,双剑合璧,削铁如泥。再看看,同位语从句、定语从句、主语从句都用上了,句式多有改变。


  When I was young, I did as my mother taught me and said hello with a big smile to every acquaintance everywhere I went. One day, what I was returned with turned out to be a punch on my face. That was when I began to cast doubt upon the virtue of perpetual politeness and came to wonder whether I had better jump out of the very confinement and be a little bit tougher sometimes. After all these years, I come to realize that good as it is, politeness is not the virtue that a modern man needs to invariably embrace.Thus, I do not agree with the given statement that one should never be impolite to others, for it is a case by case analysis.

  要想引出论题,还能够先讲个和论题相关的小故事。what I was returned with主语从句,以及体现出转机意味的turned out to be嵌入得多么天然。下一句,began to cast doubt upon与came to wonder平行,wonder的是什么呢,是whether是否采纳和标题所述相反的做法更好。前面都是对标题观念的具体化描绘,所以现在,该标明态度,把话头拉回来,回归归纳性质的话。


  Is there a good reason for a modern man to be impolite to others? In some people’s perception, the answer is negative, and while, there are quite a number of others whose collective answer turns out to be positive. I would like to adopt the combination of the two sides, for I believe that in most cases one needs to keep being polite to others, but under urgent circumstances it is fully justified in jumping out of the confinement of the doctrine of politeness.



  Money, light of my life, fire of my loins, my sin, my soul. I do agree that money is the most important aspect in a job.




  1. Some prefer to buy a technological device as soon as it is available, others prefer to get it after it has been adopted by many people. Which do you prefer?

  In the modern world, we are bedazzled by a plethora of choices when it comes to technological gadgets as high-tech companies roll out new phones, cameras and new everything every few months to prey on our predilection for novelty. While some have a penchant for the adrenaline rush of getting hands on the newest gizmos, others have the patience to wait until the craze has abated. In my opinion, there is no point in getting a high-tech product immediately after it hits the stores.
