

  16. That poor man is so weak that he can scarcely walk.

  [A] crude                [B] bereft            [C] adept               [D] decrepit

  17. In his letter of January 27, Mr. Anderson declined the offer.

  [A] repeated             [B] refused           [C] described            [D] analyzed

  18. Many caves are formed by the pounding of ocean waves on the coastline.

  [A] cavalries             [B] caverns          [C] shells                [D] beaches

  19. Agricultural experts always caution farmers to irrigate in regions receiving only light rainfall.

  [A] remind              [B] teach            [C] find                  [D] warn

  20.  In many parts of the world, talismans are used to ward off evil.

  [A] keep away            [B] describe          [C] transcend            [D] seek out

  Keys: DBBDA

?       以上就是辛达代报带来的词汇选择题目测试,希望对大家备考托福阅读有所帮助。最终辛达代报预祝广大考生早日实现梦想,飞跃重洋!