

  While the Census Bureau and the United States government used the term SMSA (by 1969 there were 233 of them), social scientists were also using new terms to describe the elusive, vaguely defined areas reaching out from what used to be simple "town" and "cities".(97.R)


  The plan impressed the university officials, and in time many of its recommendations were implemented.(02.R)


  illustrate / 5ilEstreit / vt.1.说明,阐明 2.举例说明 3.给…作插图说明


  luster /5lQstE / n.1.光辉,光泽 2.容光,光彩,荣耀 3.发光体 4.装饰性的发光吊灯

  lustrous /5lQstrEs / a.柔软光亮的,光辉的

  lust /lQst / n.1.强烈的欲望 2.强烈的性欲 3.【废语】愉悦,享乐

  vi.1.强烈渴望 2.引起性冲动

  lusty /5lQsti / a.1.愉快的,欢乐的 2.强壮的,有活力的,精力充沛的 3.贪欲的,好色的

  listless /5listlis / a.1.没有活力的,没精打采的 2.不热情的,不在心的

?  delude / di5lu:d / vt.1.欺骗,蒙蔽,误导 2.迷惑,蛊惑

  delusion / di5lu:VEn / n.1.错觉,谬见,妄想 2.迷惑,欺骗,骗局

  illusion / i5lu:VEn, i5lju:VEn / n.1.幻想,错误的观念 2.错觉,幻觉,假象

  illustration / 7ilEs5treiFEn / n.1.说明,例证 2.图解,插图

  illustrious / i5lQstriEs / a.辉煌的,著名的,杰出的

  allude / E5lju:d / vi.(to)暗指,间接地提及,影射

  allusion /E5lu:VEn / n.1.引述,引证 2.提及,暗示

  lucent /5lju:sEnt/ a.1.发光的,明亮的 2.透明的,清澈的

  lucid /5lu:sid / a.1.表达清楚的,易懂的 2.透明的,清澈的
